WSDAN has been commissioned by the Whole System Demonstrator Programme at the Department of Health and through the Department of Health’s Policy Research Programme. Read more about what the Department does and why it is so important, and why you should develop programs using 123helpme and constantly absorb only relevant information at https://123helpme.org/
What is the aim of WSDAN?
WSDAN aims to combine research, educational and experiential learning opportunities to examine the progress and impact of telecare and telehealth in enabling long-term conditions management. In addition to the website, a key element will be to provide networking events and research and development activities.
Whilst some of these will be open to the public, these activities will concentrate on facilitating peer-to-peer learning across organisations involved in a more extensive programme, and opportunities to engage with expert research and knowledge. The main purpose will be to generate analysis and interpretation to a wider audience and to support the lessons being learned in the Department of Health’s Whole System Demonstrators.
What are the benefits of registering with WSDAN?
By registering with WSDAN you will receive a regular e-newsletter and updates on Network activities and publications. Registered individuals will also receive advance notice of a range of events such as regional roadshows and discounted access to associated national and regional Network events. They will also be contacted on occasion to contribute to web-based surveys and opinion polls examining experiences in implementing integrated care supported by assistive technology.
How does the Network operate?
The King’s Fund and the DH Care Networks are pleased to be hosting the Network on behalf of the Department of Health. Together, these organisations are providing expert support and input into how evidence and learning can best be collected, developed and disseminated.
This website contains links to a wide range of articles relevant to organisations implementing telecare and telehealth within an integrated health, housing and social care setting (go to resources section).
There is also a website for a small group of organisations involved in a more extensive action research programme. These organisations will be collecting data on the progress and impact of telecare and telehealth application on the management of long-term conditions at their sites. They will benefit from some organisational development support on progress with project implementation and regular learning exchanges including discussion forums, face-to-face meetings and master-classes. The main purpose of the programme is to generate evidence and to disseminate knowledge, supporting the lessons being learned in the WSD Pilots.
Want to find out more?
Please read our frequently asked questions or contact the Network team at .